Lafayette Lodge #44, F&AM

Lafayette Lodge #44, Free & Accepted Masons, is a regular Lodge working under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Georgia.  

Lafayette Lodge #44 has been chartered in Georgia since November 5th, 1845 and is located in Cumming, GA.  We welcome any man who is interested in Freemasonry to visit us at our regular dinners and learn more about the Lodge and the practice of Freemasonry.

Regular Meetings of Lafayette Lodge #44 are held at 110 Ramey Dr, Cumming, GA 30040 (pictured above).

Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month with the exception of December, when only the 1st Tuesday is a meeting date.

Meetings are preceded by a dinner open to guests which begins at 6:30pm.  The Meeting begins at 7:30pm and is open to all Master Masons in good standing with a Lodge recognized by the Grand Lodge of Georgia.

Lafayette Lodge #44 also hosts the following groups: